Oct 23, 2020
Byron Allen is an American businessman, comedian, television producer. Byron is the founder, chairman and CEO of the U.S. media company, Entertainment Studios / Allen Media Group. Earlier this year, Allen published an op-ed, “Black America Speaks. America should listen,” demanding that America fulfill its promises to all its citizens by guaranteeing that everyone be granted access to opportunity, a good education, jobs, bank loans, human and civil rights. In this Talk, Corey duBrowa, VP, Global Communications and Public Affairs, and Byron discuss how we can come together to create One America.
The Search for Racial Equity Series is a global forum offering an in depth study and dialog of racial equity and justice, through forthright discussion and a syllabus that intends to amplify the most authentic and powerful voices of our time and of this movement. We aim to create safe spaces for the most important and authentic discussions.
Visit YouTube.com/TalksatGoogle to watch the video.
#RacialEquity #ByronAllen