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The Talks at Google podcast - where great minds meet.

Talks at Google brings the world’s most influential thinkers, creators, makers, and doers all to one place. Every episode is taken from a video that can be seen at

Aug 17, 2021

A former Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Walker is currently a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the founder & director of the Center for Human Sleep Science. Dr. Walker’s research examines the impact of sleep on human health and disease. In addition, Dr. Walker helped create the recent National Geographic documentary, Sleepless in America, and the PBS NOVA special, Memory Hackers. Most recently, he contributed to the BBC Horizon documentary, Curing Alzheimer’s. His numerous presentations include radio features on the BBC and NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, City Arts & Lectures, Hidden Brain, Science Friday, and Forum: NPR. In this week’s episode, Dr. Walker discusses the importance and impact of sleep. In a time where we struggle to detach ourselves from our daily responsibilities, our recommended amount of sleep suffers. With a lack of rest, our ability to be high-functioning throughout the day is limited. Dr. Walker will highlight how prioritizing your sleep can be the ultimate factor that increases your energy level, productivity, and general wellbeing, and answer the question: What can you do with more sleep?

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Moderated by Rebecca Whiting-Holliday.