Jun 20, 2023
Author Monica Parker visits Google to discuss her book “The Power
of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion That Will Change the Way You
Live, Learn, and Lead.” The book takes readers on a
multidisciplinary journey through psychology, neuroscience,
philosophy, literature, and business to show us how to become more
open to experiencing wonder and to reconnect with a reverence for
the world and all the magic in it.
A world-renowned speaker, writer, and authority on the future of
work, Monica Parker has spent decades helping people discover how
to lead and live wonderfully. The founder of global human analytics
and change consultancy HATCH, whose clients include blue-chip
companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Prudential, and LEGO, Parker
challenges corporate systems to advocate for more meaningful work
lives. In addition to her extensive advocacy work, she has been an
opera singer, a museum exhibition designer, and a homicide
investigator defending death-row inmates.
Visit YouTube.com/TalksatGoogle to watch the video.