Oct 29, 2019
With just 10 years left to achieve the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals are once again in the spotlight. But this time, there is a sense of urgency. Amid growing threats from climate change and the frantic search for sustainable answers to an array of related global problems, one critical solution has come to the forefront: gender equality. A recent study, in fact, found that the most impactful tool for addressing global warming would involve boosting the education of women and girls while simultaneously expanding access to family planning services.
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Actor, and UN Goodwill Ambassador Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Global Goals World Cup founder Majken Gilmartin have been on the frontline of the climate and gender action agenda, raising awareness across the world. Through the Global Goals World Cup and activations at the United Nations, both have ensured that the conversations around both topics remain central to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for a greener future for all.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau – Actor, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, and SDG
activist, he is renowned for his portrayal of Jaime Lannister in
the HBO hit series Game of Thrones as well as his outspoken work on
gender equality and climate change. In addition, he is an
ambassador for the Global Goals World Cup – a globally held
sporting event that inspires amateur female athletes as champions
of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Majken Gilmartin – As the founder of the Global Goals World Cup, UEFA Coach and member of the Danish Football Association’s Commission Board, Majken has led a valiant effort in flattening the playing field for women in soccer. As part of her Global Goals World Cup initiative, she is now spreading the word about the urgency of achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through a gender equal lens. The Global Goals World Cup is held internationally and is the world’s leading SDG activation for women soccer players.
Discussion points:
Moderated by Rasmus Greve.
Visit YouTube.com/TalksatGoogle to watch the video.