Mar 25, 2022
In celebration of #IamRemarkable Week, Luvvie Ajayi Jones visits
Google to discuss her New York Times bestselling book
Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual. With
humor and honesty, and guided by the influence of her professional
troublemaking Nigerian grandmother, Luvvie walks us through what we
must get right within ourselves before we can do the things that
scare us; like how to use our voice for a greater good, and how to
put movement to the voice we've been silencing - because
truth-telling is a muscle. The point is not to be fearless, but to
know we are afraid and charge forward regardless. It is to
recognize that the things we must do are more significant than our
fears. This book is about how to live boldly in spite of all the
reasons we have to cower.
Born in Nigeria, bred in Chicago and comfortable everywhere, Luvvie
is committed to creating content and doing work that informs,
inspires, and convinces others to make positive change. What
started as a hobby has become a global business and has allowed her
to help people in more ways than she could have ever imagined.
Using her life and her story as the anchor, her professional
troublemaking is all in the hopes of leaving people feeling more
powerful than they ever have.
Moderated by Alex Okosi.
Visit to watch the video.