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The Talks at Google podcast - where great minds meet.

Talks at Google brings the world’s most influential thinkers, creators, makers, and doers all to one place. Every episode is taken from a video that can be seen at

May 21, 2019

Paula Pant is the founder of award-winning website & podcast Afford Anything and a writer and speaker specializing at the intersection between managing money and designing your lifestyle. She speaks to audiences about the philosophy of money -- what purpose does it serve in our lives, and how do we manage it in a more thoughtful, conscious way? 

In this interview, Paula Pant discusses a range of financial topics including the anti-budget, growing the gap, whether it’s better to build a side hustle vs. try to get a promotion, the three biggest spending drains, her love for index funds, how to build better habits, cognitive biases and behavioral finance, and why you should never delay gratification.

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Moderated by David Moltz.

Visit to watch the video.