Apr 12, 2024
Major General Tammy Smith discusses her background as a member of the LGBTQ+ community in the US military, her experience as the highest ranking and first out-and-proud Major General, and what her leadership means to the LGBTQ+ community at large.
Tammy Smith is a recently retired Army Major General. At the conclusion of her 35 year career, she was serving at the Pentagon as the Military Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of the Army, the US military’s largest service branch with over one million personnel in the Active, National Guard and Reserve force. Upon her promotion to Brigadier General in 2012, mere months after the repeal of Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell, Smith gained unexpected visibility as the US military’s first openly LGBTQ+ General Flag officer. Rather than downplaying the significance of this unanticipated status, Tammy leveraged her role by promoting inclusion and diversity in the Army and Department of Defense, contributing to a culture of acceptance and trust in a post-Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell military.
Originally published in July of 2021.
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